
also known as Tooth Ponerine Ants. Odontoponera are a ground dwelling type of ants. They are highly adaptable and can nest in various environments but their preference is for forested areas, where they will nest either on the ground or on the embankment slopes. It is estimated to exist between 0.58 to 1.25 Odontoponera nests on each square meter of primary and forest area.

Odontoponera workers are predominantly epigeic, which means, above the ground, solitary foragers and are generalist predators and scavengers. While the chief enemies of ants are other ants, the fiercest and most implacable enemies of termites are not other termites, but ants as well. Odontoponera is especially fond of termites and is often seen raiding their colonies, but being generalist scavenger and predator, ants and termites made up nearly half of the food items collected by Odontoponera workers.